Biodiversity and Crops Improvement in the Era of Climate Change

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    Biodiversity and Crops Improvement in the Era of Climate Change FAQs

    Who is the author of "Biodiversity and Crops Improvement in the Era of Climate Change"?

    The authors of "Biodiversity and Crops Improvement in the Era of Climate Change" are "Dr. Senjam Jinus S, Dr. Anjan Kumar Sinha, Dr. RK. Imotomba Singh, and Dr. Gurumurthy S.

    About Book

    The men and women who produce our food; farmer, herders, fishermen, indigenous people and forest dwellers are hit the hardest by the consequences of climate change. So, bringing together experts from all walks of life, this comprehensive book provides the authoritave scienfic informaon on importance of biodiversity and its relaon to crop improvement in the context of climate change. Climate change has negave impacts on soil, air, water, indigenous people, socio economic factors and all biological diversity, and thereby events increasing stress for agricultural and horicultural crops.

    Therefore, harnessing crops against abioc stress like drought, heat and salinity is an essenal task for plant breeder, agronomist and horculturist. To make the book comprehensive, chapters discuss; Aached algal life forms of the high altudes flooded rice fields of eastern Himalayas, Ethno-dermatological pracces of pl ants speci es among the tea tri bes of upper Assam, crop improvement of orange flesh sweet potato of Manipur (Kangleipak), Impact of cl i mate change on bi odi versi ty, Laboratory eval uaon of bai t-i nsecci de combinaon against fruit fly, Biosynthesis and biodegradaon of cyanide in nature, Resource conservaon for socioeconomic development in North-eastern India, Arficial intelligence for preserving biodiversity, Decentralized governance; forest and land allotment for ST’s and Tradional forest dwellers, Physiological intervenons for yield and quality in tropical fruits. It also suggests a vision of new direcon and partnerships that are expected to evolve in this 2019-2020 regimes.

    This book is an essenal resource for praccing horculture, plant breeding, biotechnology, socio-economic study, ethno-botany, taxonomy and environmental biology at Universies, Government agencies, NGOs and Industry. It should be also be use to researchers, scienst, teacher and student of Agriculture, Horculture, Life Sciences and Social Sciences engaged in crop improvement works, socio-economical studies and conservaon biologists.

    About Author

    Dr. Anjan Kumar Sinha is an assistant professor and HOD at the Department of Botany, Raghunathpur College, Raghunathpur, Purulia, West Bengal. He is experienced teacher having more than 15 years of teaching and research experience and actively engaged in the conservation of agrobiodiversity of eastern region India. He has received “Plant genome saviour recognition award” from the protection of plant variety and farmers right authority (PPV and FRA), Govt. of India for the conservation of agrobiodiversity of West Bengal. He has published more than 40 research papers and book chapters in various national and international journals/books. He has authored three books related to the “Folk rice diversity of eastern India”.

    Dr. Senjam Jinus S is an assistant professor at the Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Utlou, Manipur. He holds a MSc. in Vegetable Breeding (ICAR nominee) at the CSA University of Agri. and Tech., Kanpur and PhD on “Heterotic response study and genetic aspect of solanum species breeding” at the CCS Haryana Agricultural University. He has won the second poster award in National Symposium held at CSA Univ. of Agri and Tech., Kanpur. He has presented e-poster at International conference on traditional and alternative medicine held in Birmingham, West Midlands, England. So far, 20 papers have been published and authored four book chapters. Current research are focused on mutation breeding, drought tolerance mutant lines of Capsicum chinense, Salinity stress of Allium species and aquaponic and hydroponic vegetable farming with the aims of increasing productivity, nutritional quality and profitability while reducing environmental impacts.

    Dr. RK. Imotomba Singh is a Prinicipal Scientist at KVK, Bishnupur, Manipur and Director at the Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Utlou, Bishnupur, Manipur. He obtained his M.Sc (Agri.) in Plant Pathology at the Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat and PhD in Plant Pathology at the Manipur University. He has honored “Rastriya Vikas Ratan Award” by Indian Society for Industry and Intellectual Development, New Delhi, “Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award” by Global Society for Health and Educational Growth, New Delhi, “Hind Ka Gaurav Award” by Achiever’s Institute of India, New Delhi and “Life Time Education Achievement Award” by Indian Achievement for Economic and Social Development, New Delhi. He has authored three books and 35 research papers to his credits.

    Dr. Gurumurthy S is a Scientist (Plant Physiology) in ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur-208024 (Uttar Pradesh). He is Secretary for north zone in the Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi. He got ICAR- Junior research fellowship for master’s degree programme and DST- INSPIRE fellowship for doctoral degree programme. Awarded university book prize and bronze medal in the M.Sc (Agriculture) in CSAU and Tech, Kanpur. He has completed Ph.D from ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. Presently, working on stem reserve mobilization trait for yield improvement under drought stress. He has handled 6 institute and externally funded projects and published 6 research papers in reputed journals.

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