Supportive Periodontal Therapy : A Comprehensive Review

  • Author Name : Dr. Suchetha Aghanashini, Dr. Surya Suprabhan, Dr. Darshan B.M., Dr. Sapna N.
  • ISBN : 978-93-88022-29-3
  • Pages : 122
  • Paper Type : Soft Bound
  • Category : Dental Science,
  • Subject : Clinical Periodontics
  • Publication Year : 2019
  • Book Type : Textbook
  • Access Type : Open Access
  • Edition : First
  • Language : English
  • Dimension : 23x15x1 (cms)
  • Weight : 250 (g)
  • DOI :
  • TOC : Content (TOC)
  • ONIX XML : ONIX Content
  • Book price is applicable only for hard copy
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    Supportive Periodontal Therapy : A Comprehensive Review FAQs

    Who is the author of "Supportive Periodontal Therapy : A Comprehensive Review"?

    The authors of "Supportive Periodontal Therapy : A Comprehensive Review" are "Dr. Suchetha Aghanashini, Dr. Surya Suprabhan, Dr. Darshan B.M., and Dr. Sapna N..

    About Book

    Supportive periodontal therapy has been considered as the cornerstone of successful periodontal therapy. The successful management of the periodontal disease requires a positive program directed at maintaining and improving the results of treatment as well as preventing the development of the new disease. Hence, in this book, we have presented insightful evidence that has been accumulated about the effectiveness of periodontal therapy.

    About Author

    Dr. Suchetha Aghanashini
    Professor and HOD
    Department of Periodontology
    DAPMRV Dental College, Bangalore

    Dr. Surya Suprabhan
    Post Graduate Student
    Department of Periodontology
    DAPMRV Dental College, Bangalore

    Dr. Darshan B. M.
    Reader, Department of Periodontology
    DAPMRV Dental College, Bangalore

    Dr. Sapna N.
    Reader, Department of Periodontology
    DAPMRV Dental College, Bangalore

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