Colors: Medicine of the Future Part-II

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    Colors: Medicine of the Future Part-II FAQs

    Who is the author of "Colors: Medicine of the Future Part-II"?

    The authors of "Colors: Medicine of the Future Part-II" are "Prof. Sunil Agarwal, and Rupali Agarwal.

    About Book

    It is important to mention in relation to the great interaction of cosmic energy, the theory of the five elements, colors intention of lays out the fundamental bases of his theory and his therapy. As Professor Sunil mentions, information is exchanged with the patient to obtain clinical data, however, an energetic harmony is created between therapist and patient, which is not only exclusive to the beginning of the therapeutic session, but at all times or the therapeutic moments.
    Talking about tuning means working on the same frequencies, on the same wavelength, with the INTENTION of our being; For this reason, to guarantee this aspect, it is essential that the therapist also visualize what he suggests to the patient and establish schemes and deep energy ties to work with the biofields, the chakras and the energy of the meridians and colors.
    Also by doing so, the therapist can better capture through his sensory hands, the imbalances, the flow of energy, the rhythm and the resonant acts themselves, which are a consequence of his action on the body and mind of the patient.
    In this present book, the knowledge of the reader and therapists is enriched, and the efficiency with the color medicine of the respectable professor Agarwal continues to be verified, the wide field of action that he has within the office treating a wide diversity of ailments.
    In a simple way we could say that under its own frequency each of the colors when applied to the skin interacts with the cells and their interaction generates the information that reaches the nervous system. Each color point has a certain resonance, the stimulation of an analogous point in the different holograms or the toning or sedation of a certain point, according to the theory of the 5 elements influences us in different areas and at different levels. However, what Professor Sunil Agarwal teaches us, with his Single point therapy color How to circulate heavenly energy in body and his relationship with points on various meridians and color medicine. Just by putting different color medicines on the same point you can treat many health issues.
    We hope you continue to develop your research and complement and extend your therapy for our benefit and for anyone who requires and needs it.
    Talk about Professor Sunil Agarwal is talking about intelligence, perseverance, responsibility, discipline, self-determination, generosity, but above all, consistency and wisdom.

    About Author

    Talk about Professor Sunil Agarwal (founding member of Association for Integrative Healthcare and Research). It is to go back to the beginnings of his encounter with holistic therapies. His career about trained as an Executive Engineer at the Ministry of Defense, beginning. When joined in service with the Indian army in 1980. as an officer. He came in contact with army personnel who had a lot of health issues due to service conditions. Sometimes in harsh and adverse conditions. He always tries to make their life comfortable with his ayurvedic knowledge of him. He later discovered the world of alternative and holistic healing and therapies, In 1995 with Allahabad/Prayagraj. During that time upgraded his knowledge. Learned hand reflexology, and practiced it for two years on patients. Then he learned SUJOK from Dr. Park. With Dr. Park, he learned the standard correspondence system. Secondary correspondence system. And mini correspondence system too. SUJOK sixki was very interesting for him, it was a new concept of energy healing. Every disease is linked to energy. Done SUJOK acupuncture in 1998. The foundations of what today proudly call Agarwal Energy concept. Then he learned TCM acupressure without needles. This system was less time-consuming and more effective. People were so happy to see the results. Professor Sunil Agarwal's journey in holistic healing going very well under the guidance of Shree Mata Prasad Khemka Ji and Shree J. P. Agarwal Ji, President of the Sansthan. Learned hand reflexology, practiced it for two years on patients. In 2001 he got transferred to Delhi, the capital of India here with a lot of experience in, TCM , SUJOK, reflexology and started treating many high profile army officers from 2001 to 2010. He retired from active service in 2010. Every Sunday he was giving his service to give treatment to poor people. Up to 100 patents he used to attend. Now Professor Sunil presents us with the second part of his first book “Colors Medicine of the Future”  where he shows us that he and his own way of healing by application of colours, which he calls as 'Agarwal Energy Concept and Color Therapy' represent a new paradigm in the rapid and effective healing of a large number of ailments, supported by novel concepts of a great diversity of therapies and his extensive knowledge of them, he was pleased to amalgamate and create your own healing therapy at the service of humanity, as an extraordinary resource to lead to the appropriate physical, mental and emotional balance for any human being. Professor Sunil Agarwal conducts offline and online classes too. Recently conducted webinars, training camps, and treatment camps in Nepal. In Nepal, he has treated more than 3,000 people in one year for complex and complicated patients. In Jaipur every year he is organising treatment and training camps. Attended by more than 500 students. More than 2,000 patients attended for treatment.

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