Applied Microbiology for Medical Sciences, Life Sciences, Nursing and Pharmacy

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    Applied Microbiology for Medical Sciences, Life Sciences, Nursing and Pharmacy FAQs

    Who is the author of "Applied Microbiology for Medical Sciences, Life Sciences, Nursing and Pharmacy"?

    The author of "Applied Microbiology for Medical Sciences, Life Sciences, Nursing and Pharmacy" is "Dr. Rohit Shankar Mane.

    About Book

    Applied Microbiology is intended for Medical Sciences, Life Sciences, Nursing, and Pharmacy students. This book is important because of its broad concepts and explanations related to microbiology as per the Indian and foreign universities and competitive exams syllabus. This book contains sixteen units, each of which contains different concepts of applied microbiology. This review importantly highlights the history, scope, and development of microbiology, microbial physiology and control, virology, mycology, immunology, extremophiles, and different sectors of microbiology such as soil, air, water, milk, food, industrial, and pharmaceuticals. The new components which have required a change in worldview in microbiology with modern microbial science and biotechnology have been shown. However, the book is fully scientific concepts oriented and written by considering their understanding abilities for competitive exams and graduate studies.

    About Author

    Dr. Rohit Shankar Mane was a Microbiology Scientist and Writer. He had Microbiology research experience in the pharmaceutical, agriculture, and medical research industry. His educational qualification was B.Sc., M.Sc., NET., DPM., PGDFSQM., Ph.D. He was the Principal Investigator of DST, DBT, and National geography research projects. He was the inventor of ROVE sterilization method. He was a fellow of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Research Fellowship, BARTI, India. He had been given International Young scientist award by AEI, India. He had been given National Young Scientist award by American Microbiology Society of America. He was the 4th runner-up of Citrinin against MCF-7 cell line at Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar Award, India. His project entitled “Chitinase and their antifungal effects” got nominated for GYTI-2018 award under the Indian government. He had published 46 Books and 56 research papers at the International and National level. He'd been the reviewer of 26 International Journals and associate editor of 12 International Journals. His interest research area was Microbiology and Agriculture. He had been a member of American Microbiology Society of America and Canadian Microbiology Society of Canada. He was the founder and Director of Roshama Foundations, India. He was a poet, activist and always engaged in microbiology awareness programs.

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