ELISA and Related Techniques

  • Author Name : R. S. Chauhan, Ankita Joshi
  • ISBN : 978-93-91208-33-2
  • Pages : 72
  • Paper Type : Soft Bound
  • Category : Medical,
  • Subject : Microbiology
  • Publication Year : 2022
  • Book Type : Textbook/Reference Book
  • Edition : First
  • Language : English
  • Dimension : 24x16x0.6 (cms)
  • Weight : 130 (g)
  • DOI : doi.org/10.18231/978-93-91208-33-2
  • ONIX XML : ONIX Content
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    ELISA and Related Techniques FAQs

    Who is the author of "ELISA and Related Techniques"?

    The authors of "ELISA and Related Techniques" are "R. S. Chauhan, and Ankita Joshi.

    About Book

    It is a matter of great pleasure and satisfaction to write this monograph on ELISA and Related Techniques. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a widely applicable and accepted test routinely used now-a-days for diagnosis and confirmation of infectious diseases. It has the same principle and sensitivity as radioimmunoassay (RIA) and replaced the later being less expensive and safe in handling during procedure. In radioimmunoassays, the use of radioisotope labelled antibodies or antigen are hazardous to the health and it requires the costly gamma or beta counter to interpret the results. The basic principle of ELISA is same as RIA but in place of radioisotope labelled antibodies, in ELISA an enzyme is used. This assay is also used for the detection of antigen as well as antibodies. For detection of antibodies, the known antigen is coated on the surface of well of polystyrene plate (96 wells) and then test serum samples, properly diluted, is added. After incubation, the plates are washed and conjugate enzyme labelled species specific antibody is added which binds with the antibodies present in test serum and can be detected by adding substrate which gives a coloured reaction that can be seen by naked eyes or read in spectrophotometer. For detection of antigen, the sandwich assay is preferred. In sandwich assay, antibody is bound to the solid phase (polystyrene plate). This antibody is known as capture antibody. Then the specimen suspected for presence of antigen is added. After appropriate incubation, the plate is washed and second antibody specific to antigen is applied, which is conjugated with enzyme in direct method while in indirect method this antibody is plain and anti-antibody conjugated with enzyme is applied which is known as indicator antibody. In indirect method the secondary antibody should be raised in a different animal species with that of capture antibody. The reaction is detected by applying enzyme substrate, which gives coloured reaction. The coloured reaction can be seen by naked eyes or is read by spectrophotometer. In this monograph, various tips of ELISA procedure are mentioned so that the readers can themselves use these techniques on their own. This compilation has been prepared with the details of enzyme immunoassays including dot immnuno-assay, immunoperoxidase techniques, PAP techniques and avidin-biotin complex assays. I believe that this monograph will be helpful to the readers as a practical as well as reference book particularly for those involved in biotechnology, veterinary and for medical diagnostic laboratories, research institutions and teaching of students. We must acknowledge our colleagues and family members for their support, motivation and cooperation.

    About Author


    During his tenure as academician and scientist, he has written 62 books including 21 manuals and 1 monograph; most of them are very popular among the students world over. He contributed 64 chapters in different books and published 185 research papers in various National and International journals of repute. Besides, he participated in 16 International and 57 National Conferences/Symposia/Seminars and presented 147 papers at different occasions. He also popularizes the scientific research among the common man by publishing 320 semitechnical articles in various magazines. He is life member of 15 Scientific Bodies/Societies/Associations and has been in several executive committee such as Chairman, PGPC; President, CTS; Secretary-General, SIIP; Vice President, ISVE; Zonal Secretary, IAVP; Joint Secretary, IVS; President, Dr. J.L. Vegad Foundation; Vice-President, IAVP; Registrar, ICVP, etc. Based on his contributions and scientific achievements, he has been awarded with several prizes, medals and honours including Best Young Scientist Award (1992), IAAVR Award (1996), National Fellow Award (1999), Fellow NAVS (2000), Fellow SIIP (2001), K.S. Nair Memorial Award (1999), Vigyan Bharti Award (2000), Dr. C.M. Singh Trust Award (2002), Dr. Rajendra Prasad Award (2002), Shri Ramlal Agrawal National Award (2000) Best Teacher Award (2004) by GB Pant University, Pantnagar, Fellow, IAVP (2006), Gopalgaurav, Bharat Excellence Award (2007), Diplomat, ICVP (2008), etc. in recognition of his research and teaching endeavor. He has been the principal investigator of 25 research projects worth millions of Rupees. The scientific contributions of Dr. Chauhan have been recognized internationally as Visiting Professor, University of Wageningen, The Netherlands and Temporary Advisor, WHO (Geneva). Dr. Chauhan ambitiously implemented quality management system (QMS) in CADRAD/CDDL and has got ISO 9001:2000 certificate for providing quality diagnostic services. He became Joint Director, CADRAD and Director of Indian Veterinary Research Institute and remained till completion of term in 2009. He also implemented uniform diagnostic methodology in all the Disease Diagnostic Laboratories throughout India. At present he is working as Director, Institute of Biotechnology, Nainital and pioneer in research on cowpathy and herbs for developing anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral separations and universal immunomodulator without using synthetic chemicals.

    Ankita Joshi MSc, PDCR, ACPPM, MBA

    She is currently working as Contractual Scientist (PDF) in the Institute of Biotechnology (IBT), G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Patwadangar, Nainital. She has done her graduation and masters in Biotechnology and also acquired diplomas and degrees in various other fields like PDCR, ACPPM and MBA. She is working on the development of anticancer therapy using traditional herbs present on Himalaya and Cowpathy. Her specialization is in animal cell culture techniques in which she has organized several Hand’s on training programmes for Young Biotechnologists. She has also prepared a laboratory manual on animal cell culture techniques besides several chapters in various manuals and books. One of her book is on Nanotechnology for beginners, which very popular amongst the Biotechnology students and researchers. She has contributed a lot in the field of Immunology and Immunopathology through research and development and organizing training programmes for young scientists. She had been awarded with Prakash Best Poster Presentation Award in National Symposium on ‘Immunobiotechnology’ held at IBT, G.B. Pant University of Agri. And Tech, Patwadangar in the year 2010. She is Life member and treasurer of the Society for Immunology and Immunopathology (SIIP).

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