Tuberculous Pleural Effusion (A Book of 100 Cases)

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    Tuberculous Pleural Effusion (A Book of 100 Cases) FAQs

    Who is the author of "Tuberculous Pleural Effusion (A Book of 100 Cases)"?

    The author of "Tuberculous Pleural Effusion (A Book of 100 Cases)" is "Dr. Sankalp Yadav.

    About Book

    The present book is a collection of one hundred cases of tuberculous pleural effusion. The book aims to compile a single compendium on the oldest disease known to mankind i.e., Tuberculosis (TB). This book provides details of one hundred cases of pleural effusion and each case is accompanied by a short history, chest radiograph, and reports of thoracentesis/pleural tap. The author intends to provide a ready reference for a very common disease, especially in developing countries. The book is the first of its type ever published and thus will help in bridging the gap in knowledge related to this particular presentation of TB.

    About Author

    Dr. Sankalp Yadav did MBBS from the Rural Medical College, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni, Maharashtra, and then he completed PGDEM. His research interest was evident since his undergraduate days where he was selected as a special volunteer (Pre-doctoral) in research at the Human Motor Control Section of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke at the National Institutes of Health (NINDS/NIH), USA. Also, he was among the very few students from his college who were selected for the Short Term Studentship-2009 (Grant) by the Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India. During the same time, he had been on the editorial boards of the various student journals and was peer reviewing and copy editing actively. Again, he participated with great enthusiasm in various conferences and gave oral and poster presentations.

    Post completion of his studies he joined as a General Duty Medical Officer-II in the Department of Medicine & TB, Shri Madan Lal Khurana Chest Clinic (District Tuberculosis Center), Moti Nagar, North Delhi Municipal Corporation, New Delhi, India. Besides, work he has been actively involved in research as evidenced by the 115 peer-reviewed publications. Some of his published case reports are the very firsts in the medical literature. He is also the editor-in-chief of the IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine since its beginning. His devotion towards ‘healthcare information for all’ has won him many laurels from the UK. He is fully trained as per the WHO and National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP)/PMDT guidelines in the control of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant Tuberculosis. For his efforts towards Tuberculosis control in India, he has been awarded by several agencies. He has also done state-sponsored internal evaluations under the NTEP of a number of District Tuberculosis Centers in Delhi. Furthermore, he is an active editorial board member of many international and national peer-reviewed journals and a member of various prestigious scientific societies. In the present pandemic period of COVID-19, he has worked zealously to serve mankind and is awarded at multiple platforms for the same.

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