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The authors of "Concise Introduction to Human Psychology- For 1st Year B.A./B.Sc. (Psychology) Course" are "Veena Marya, and R. K. Marya.
The Concise Introduction to Human Psychology- For 1st Year B.A./B.Sc. (Psychology) Course is a book on Psychology, written by "Veena Marya, and R. K. Marya, and published by Innovative Publication.
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Since the fundamental aim of psychology is to understand what we are, it uses both arts and science to achieve knowledge. By incorporating both creative and scientific elements, psychologists can create unique and innovative approaches to understanding behaviour. However, most of the books on psychology are written by authors with degrees in arts stream. In view of the arts-science nature of the subject, a book on introduction to psychology would be ideally authored by a team of authors who are experts in both arts and science. This book “ Concise Introduction to Human Psychology” is unique in this respect. It is co-authored by a postgraduate in Psychology (Veena Marya, MA, Psychology) and a medical physiologist (R. K. Marya, MBBS; M.D., Physiology; PhD) . Due to dual expertise, the subject of introduction to human psychology has been discussed in a way not found in other books available in the market.
“Introduction to Psychology” forms a base for the study of remaining subjects of BA/BSc Psychology course. A clear understanding of the fundamentals would go a long way in grasping other topics of the subject. This book is written to give a clear, precise, and up-to-date knowledge of the basics of psychology. The discussion on various topics is student-friendly, and concise, yet comprehensive; undue verbosity has been avoided. A large number of illustrations help to explain the material with greater clarity. A number of relevant references, given at the end of each chapter, would be useful to those wishing to pursue the topic in greater depth. The Index given at the end of the book would help you to easily find your topic of interest. If you want to understand the basics of psychology and not merely mug up the subject, this is the right book for you. The following topics have been discussed in the book:
Veena Marya
M.A. (Psychology); M.Ed.
Ramesh Kumar Marya
MBBS; M.D. (Physiology); Ph.D.
Ramesh Kumar Marya, MD, PhD. has experience of more than half a century of teaching physiology to postgraduate and undergraduate medical students. He has taught for 30 years in India (PGIMS, Rohtak) and 12 years in Malaysia as well as in Iraq, Libya and Mauritius. He is a renowned research worker and has published 85 research papers in International and Indian Journals of repute. He is the author of many popular books: Medical Physiology, Physiology for Dental Students, Pathophysiology, and History of Physiology etc.
At IP Innovative Publication, we also offer a collection of insightful and thought-provoking books covering a wide range of subjects. Our books are authored by experts and researchers in their respective fields, providing valuable knowledge and perspectives to readers.