Understanding Early Childhood Caries

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    Understanding Early Childhood Caries FAQs

    Who is the author of "Understanding Early Childhood Caries"?

    The authors of "Understanding Early Childhood Caries" are "Dr. Aayushi Bhardwaj, Dr. Monika Rathore, and Dr. Sharlin Ahmad.

    About Book

    Early childhood caries (ECC) is a major oral health problem. ECC affects infants and preschool children worldwide. ECC is the presence of one or more decayed, missing, or filled primary teeth in children aged 71 months or younger. It begins with white-spot lesions in the upper primary incisors, and in due course of time, can affect other teeth rapidly. The predominant risk factors in the development of ECC can be categorised as microbiological, dietary, and environmental risk factors. Oral health plays a vital role in children for maintaining functions such as mastication, speech development, and a positive self-image. This book delves into the factors contributing to prevalence, risk factors, preventive measures and the management of ECC. It also provides the latest researches and strategies pertaining to early childhood caries, emphasising the importance of prevention and early intervention.

    About Author

    Dr. Aayushi Bhardwaj at present, is furthering her education and knowledge in the field of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry as a postgraduate, enrolled in BBD College of Dental Sciences, Lucknow. Her focus on Early Childhood Caries, have solidified her commitment to increase the efficiency and productivity of treatments that enables to provide patients with radiant smiles. Her dedication in aiding children achieve good oral health, make her an exceptional pediatric dentist-in the- making every child she treats.

    Dr. Monika Rathore is a passionate pediatric dentist and is currently working as the Professor & Head of Department in dept. of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry at Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, BBD University, Lucknow, India. She did her graduation in 1993 and post-graduation in 2003 from the prestigious King George Medical College, Lucknow. She has a teaching experience of 19 years and has guided more than 30 dissertations. She is an avid researcher and has published numerous papers and case reports in peer-reviewed international and national journals. She has also authored chapters for three reputed text books of Pedodontics.. She has a passion for research work and is pursuing her PhD on “Identification of salivary non coding RNAs as potential biomarkers for detection of early childhood caries and development of caries risk assessment model”.

    Dr. Sharlin Ahmad is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry at BBDCODS, Lucknow. She completed her post-graduation in 2016 from Babu Banarsi Das College of Dental Sciences, Lucknow. She is a member of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry and regularly attends workshops and conferences to enhance their clinical skills and knowledge. She also follows the most recent advancements in pediatric dentistry. In addition, she engages in community service and volunteer work.

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