Immunology for Beginners

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    Immunology for Beginners FAQs

    Who is the author of "Immunology for Beginners"?

    The authors of "Immunology for Beginners" are "Ankita Joshi, and R. S. Chauhan.

    About Book

    Immunology is the science of resistance, which protects body from intrinsic and extrinsic substances that can harm body, through a variety of biochemical, physiological, humoral and cellular reactions in the body. This an integral part of the body without which one cannot think of life. During the process of evolution, nature has provided this defence mechanism in the body of all living creatures, particularly of higher animals and man that protects them from physical, chemical and biological insults. The antigens when enters in the body of animals is trapped, processed and eliminated by several cells including macrophages, dendritic cells and B-cells. Most antigens offer multiple epitopes and therefore initiate proliferation and differentiation in majority of B-cells clones, each derivative from a B-cell that recognizes a particular epitope. The resulting serum antibodies are heterogeneous comprising of mixture of antibodies, each one specific for one epitope itself. Such a polyclonal antibody response facilitates the localization, phagocytosis and complement mediated lysis of antigen (agent). This situation is normally present in the body, but if depressed, it leads to immunodeficiency or it is exaggerated, it is known as hypersensitivity. Another situation may occur in which immunity is directed towards the body's own/self materials, then it is known as autoimmunity. This book is divided in six chapters including Basic Concepts, Immunodeficiency, Hypersensitivity, Autoimmunity, Immunomodulation and Tumour Immunology for the benefit of readers. Hope it will be very useful to the students of Immunology/Biotechnology besides, veterinarians, medicos and graduate students. It may also provide useful information to the clinicians dealing with immunopathological disorders. Authors are thankful to all those who helped in the preparation of this book. Inspite of our best efforts at perfection, element of human error is still likely to creep in which readers are welcome to point out since that will help in improving the book further.

    About Author

    Ankita Joshi MSc, PDCR, ACPPM, MBA

    She is currently working as Contractual Scientist (PDF) in the Institute of Biotechnology (IBT), G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Patwadangar, Nainital. She has done her graduation and masters in Biotechnology and also acquired diplomas and degrees in various other fields like PDCR, ACPPM and MBA. She is working on the development of anticancer therapy using traditional herbs present on Himalaya and Cowpathy. Her specialization is in animal cell culture techniques in which she has organized several Hand’s on training programmes for Young Biotechnologists. She has also prepared a laboratory manual on animal cell culture techniques besides several chapters in various manuals and books. One of her book is on Nanotechnology for beginners, which very popular amongst the Biotechnology students and researchers. She has contributed a lot in the field of Immunology and Immunopathology through research and development and organizing training programmes for young scientists. She had been awarded with Prakash Best Poster Presentation Award in National Symposium on ‘Immunobiotechnology’ held at IBT, G.B. Pant University of Agri. And Tech, Patwadangar in the year 2010. She is Life member and treasurer of the Society for Immunology and Immunopathology (SIIP).


    During his tenure as academician and scientist, he has written 62 books including 21 manuals and 1 monograph; most of them are very popular among the students world over. He contributed 64 chapters in different books and published 185 research papers in various National and International journals of repute. Besides, he participated in 16 International and 57 National Conferences/Symposia/Seminars and presented 147 papers at different occasions. He also popularizes the scientific research among the common man by publishing 320 semitechnical articles in various magazines. He is life member of 15 Scientific Bodies/Societies/Associations and has been in several executive committee such as Chairman, PGPC; President, CTS; Secretary-General, SIIP; Vice President, ISVE; Zonal Secretary, IAVP; Joint Secretary, IVS; President, Dr. J.L. Vegad Foundation; Vice-President, IAVP; Registrar, ICVP, etc. Based on his contributions and scientific achievements, he has been awarded with several prizes, medals and honours including Best Young Scientist Award (1992), IAAVR Award (1996), National Fellow Award (1999), Fellow NAVS (2000), Fellow SIIP (2001), K.S. Nair Memorial Award (1999), Vigyan Bharti Award (2000), Dr. C.M. Singh Trust Award (2002), Dr. Rajendra Prasad Award (2002), Shri Ramlal Agrawal National Award (2000) Best Teacher Award (2004) by GB Pant University, Pantnagar, Fellow, IAVP (2006), Gopalgaurav, Bharat Excellence Award (2007), Diplomat, ICVP (2008), etc. in recognition of his research and teaching endeavor. He has been the principal investigator of 25 research projects worth millions of Rupees. The scientific contributions of Dr. Chauhan have been recognized internationally as Visiting Professor, University of Wageningen, The Netherlands and Temporary Advisor, WHO (Geneva). Dr. Chauhan ambitiously implemented quality management system (QMS) in CADRAD/CDDL and has got ISO 9001:2000 certificate for providing quality diagnostic services. He became Joint Director, CADRAD and Director of Indian Veterinary Research Institute and remained till completion of term in 2009. He also implemented uniform diagnostic methodology in all the Disease Diagnostic Laboratories throughout India. At present he is working as Director, Institute of Biotechnology, Nainital and pioneer in research on cowpathy and herbs for developing anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral separations and universal immunomodulator without using synthetic chemicals.

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