Postgraduate Biochemistry Companion

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    Postgraduate Biochemistry Companion FAQs

    Who is the author of "Postgraduate Biochemistry Companion"?

    The authors of "Postgraduate Biochemistry Companion" are "Dr. Rittu Chandel, and Dr. Gangadhar Chatterjee.

    About Book

    Biochemistry is thought to be the boring and difficult to learn subject to MBBS and MD students. It appears to be more difficult to write answers during examination. When we were student we realized we had to go through many books and it was time consuming as it was difficult to understand which book for which topic, it also was difficult to reproduce in the exam. So we decided to write a book to help other post graduate students which will help precious time during the eleventh hour of examination. It’s a simple English written book for post graduate students. We hope PG students of MD Biochemistry as well as BSc. and MSc. Biochemistry and MBBS students also will find our effort worth it.
    In today’s era of evidence-based medicine, Biochemistry is an integral and indispensible tool for diagnosis and treatment. Be happy to be the part of the most fascinating and emerging field of medicine helping to save human life.
    Dr. Rittu Chandel
    Dr. Gangadhar Chatterjee

    About Author

    Dr. Rittu Chandel
    MBBS, MD Biochemistry, MUHS First Topper’2015
    Ex- Assistant Professor, GMC Nanded, Maharashtra
    Clinical Biochemist, Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai
    Dr. Gangadhar Chatterjee,
    MBBS, MD, MUHS Second topper ‘2015
    Ex- Assistant Professor, RCSM GMC Kolhapur, Maharashtra
    Assistant Professor, GIMSH, Durgapur, West Bengal
    Special contribution of Dr. Pallavi Kamble, MBBS, MD in the chapters of Biochemistry of Pregnancy and Lactation, Thyroid function test, Liver Function Test

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