Handbook of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

  • Author Name : Dr. Sucheta Golhar, Dr. Kiran Jeswani, Dr. Mohammed Sheeba Kauser
  • ISBN : 978-81-951750-7-9
  • Pages : 174
  • Paper Type : Soft Bound
  • Category : Medical,
  • Subject : Neurology
  • Publication Year : 2021
  • Book Type : Textbook/Reference
  • Edition : First
  • Language : English
  • Dimension : 23x15x1 (cms)
  • Weight : 300 (g)
  • DOI : doi.org/10.18231/978-81-951750-7-9
  • TOC : Content (TOC)
  • ONIX XML : ONIX Content
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    Handbook of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo FAQs

    Who is the author of "Handbook of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo"?

    The authors of "Handbook of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo" are "Dr. Sucheta Golhar, Dr. Kiran Jeswani, and Dr. Mohammed Sheeba Kauser.

    About Book

    This book is a resource and reference guide for patients and health care professionals. It provides a concise review of Anatomy, Pathophysiology and Mechanism, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, a brief Medical and Surgical Management, Recent advanced Physiotherapy treatment of BPPV based on most recent and reliable researches. It also constitutes Vestibular rehabilitation exercises and yoga.

    Special emphasis is given on psychological aspects of BPPV. Stress coping procedures such as Relaxation and Meditation has been focused, so that BPPV patients can take maximum advantage of this book. Most of the patients fear that vertigo may crop up any time. We hope that any question that arises about treating a patient with BPPV may have answer in this book.


    Holistic approach in vertigo rehabilitation.
    Different objectives and methods of treating vertigo.
    Psychological aspects of vertigo.
    Stress coping procedures such as relaxation and meditation.

    About Author

    Dr. Sucheta Golhar (Ph.D.), is Principal and Professor at P.E.S Modern College of Physiotherapy, Pune. She has played key role in advancement of Physiotherapy and also has received multiple awards for her dedication and commitment for the same. She is also felicitated with Physioratna Award (2013), Best Academician Award (2019), Jury's Choice Award (2020) and many more.

    Dr. Kiran Jeswani (Ph.D. Scholar), is Associate Professor at P.E.S Modern college of Physiotherapy, Pune. She has a rich 20 years of experience in the field of Physiotherapy. This book is an outcome of her self-experience of BPPV.

    Dr. Mohammed Sheeba Kauser (Ph.D. Scholar) in clinical neurology at Apex University, and has received numerous awards and recognition in field of research for her impeccable work, has received world record in field of research by France and also been listed in Indian Book of Records.

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