Management of Abiotic Stress in Crop Plants

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    Management of Abiotic Stress in Crop Plants FAQs

    Who is the author of "Management of Abiotic Stress in Crop Plants"?

    The authors of "Management of Abiotic Stress in Crop Plants" are "Dr. Gurumurthy S, and Dr. Senjam Jinus S.

    About Book

    The talk of the ‘new normal’ i.e. climate crises has become louder and louder in the present era. It is unparalleled to compare the rate of today’s climate crises with that of the last 2000 years. With the increasing population which is 7 billion at present and expecting to increase at 10.5 billion in a period of 70–80 years, the concern for food security is a must as the impacts of climate crises has now become monstrous. The present condition adversely affects more of the arid and semiarid zones of the world. Therefore, smart mitigation and adaptation strategies are to be elevated for environmental sustainability.

    Climate crises also lead to abiotic stresses; such as, drought, salinity, temperature, waterlogging, heavy metals and so on which result in hamper crop growth, less productivity, less time for accumulation of biomass, and food insecurity as a whole. Crop improvement through advanced molecular and plant breeding programmes using the available plant genetic resources that can cope with the changing climate crises is the need of the hour.

    This edited book is a contribution of the genuine researchers and scientists who have been concerning much about abiotic stress and its crop management strategies using recent molecular advances and moreover aims to sustainability to serve Mother Nature.

    The essence of this book is that it opens the world of proven possibilities of making a sustainable development through the utilization of available genetic resources, exploration of conventional and non-conventional plant breeding methods, advanced management practices, and governmental policies and schemes by squeezing every potentiality out of it. It will be of great benefit for future researchers, scientists, academician, and the public.

    About Author

    Dr. Gurumurthy S, ARS Scientist (Plant Physiology) in ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur and holds secretary for North Zone in the Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi. He got ICAR-JRF for MSc degree and DST- INSPIRE fellowship for Ph.D. degree. He received “University book prize” and “bronze medal” in the M. Sc (Agri.) in CSAU & Tech, Kanpur. He received his Ph.D. from ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. His area of specialization is mitigation and management of abiotic stresses in pulse crops. The current area of research focused on the stem reserve mobilization trait for yield improvement in chickpea under drought stress. He has handled 7 institutes and externally funded projects and published more than 30 publications. He has organised a National level ISPP quiz competition. He has also organised an ISPP North Zonal Seminar on Crop Productivity and Stress Management.

    Dr. Senjam Jinus S, presently working as Assistant professor at FEEDS Group of Institute, College of Horticulture and AgriBiotechnology, Hengbung, Manipur. He holds a MSc. in Vegetable Breeding (ICAR nominee) at the CSA University of Agri. and Tech., Kanpur and Ph.D. on “Heterotic response study and genetic aspect of solanum species breeding” at the CCS Haryana Agricultural University. He has an excellent experience of more than two years in the field of teaching in Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Utlou. His research area focused on Abiotic stress study in horticultural crops, aquaponic and hydroponic vegetable farming with the aims of increasing productivity, nutritional quality and profitability while reducing environmental impacts.

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