Nurses’ Manual of Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care

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    Nurses’ Manual of Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care FAQs

    Who is the author of "Nurses’ Manual of Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care"?

    The authors of "Nurses’ Manual of Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care" are "Dr. Ramkinkar Shastri, and MD.

    About Book

    Every successful unit follows a certain set of protocols which are nothing but the guidelines for actions in specific circumstances. These guidelines are based on certain rules described in literature, being followed across various units and modified according to the native need and experience. Protocols are made to standardize the method of care to ensure smooth running of routine and emergency activities and successful replication of results by the followers. The team should agree to work in accordance with the current protocol and should not deviate from it except advised otherwise by the consultant as per the need of the situation.

    Protocols provide a framework for working in different scenarios. This standardization of practice reduces variation in the treatment of patients and improves the quality of care. Protocol based care can help reduce errors in treatment and outcomes. Variations between planned and actual care may still occur as clinical judgements vary to meet the needs of patients. These variations should be brought forward and discussed in the team so that necessary changes can be made in the unit protocol.

    This protocol book-cum-educational manual is written for the new members for induction into the team and old members as a reference guide. The protocols may vary from unit to unit but basic principles remain same. The book is basically an educational tool on useful ICU topics and a compilation of commonly agreed protocols of various units. Figures of ECG and X-ray are taken from random sources without revealing identities. I hope the book finds its purpose in guiding paediatric cardiac intensive care teams.

    Dr. Ramkinkar Shastri

    About Author

    Dr. Ramkinkar Shastri was graduated from B. J. Medical College and did his M.D. in Anaesthesiology from N.H.L. Medical College, Ahmedabad in 2002. Aer initial years of experience in cardiac anaesthesia and intensive care from Fortis Hospital, Mohali he dedicated his career to paediatric cardiac anaesthesia and intensive care. Presently he works as senior consultant at STAR Hospitals, Hyderabad, well known in the region for its abundant practice and quality care.

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