Concise Text Book of Adolescent Health

  • Author Name : Dr. Syed Esam Mahmood
  • ISBN : 978-93-88022-23-1
  • Pages : 134
  • Paper Type : Soft Bound
  • Category : Medical,
  • Subject : Adolescent Health
  • Publication Year : 2019
  • Book Type : Textbook/Reference Book
  • Access Type : Open Access
  • Edition : First
  • Language : English
  • Dimension : 23x15x1 (cms)
  • Weight : 280 (g)
  • DOI :
  • TOC : Content (TOC)
  • ONIX XML : ONIX Content
  • Book price is applicable only for hard copy
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    Concise Text Book of Adolescent Health FAQs

    Who is the author of "Concise Text Book of Adolescent Health"?

    The author of "Concise Text Book of Adolescent Health" is "Dr. Syed Esam Mahmood.

    About Book

    This book is an essential guide for 10 to 19 years old, parents, teachers & counselors. It provides information about the health needs and problems of adolescents, National programs and recent initiatives related to Adolescent health in India and recommendations for accelerating the health of adolescents. Important aspects like Mental Health, Role of Parental Concern in Adolescent Health and Helplines for adolescents are included. This book is highly recommended for undergraduate and postgraduate medical, dental, public health as well as masters in social work students.

    About Author

    About The Editor

    Dr. Syed Esam Mahmood,
    BA, MBBS, MD, MECOR India course level 1
    Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine,
    Integral Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Lucknow,
    Integral University UP, India.
    E-mail: Mobile no: 8127537806

    Esam is currently Professor of Community Medicine at the Integral Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Lucknow, Integral University, UP, India. He read Community Medicine at Era’s Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow before completing his MD in 2011. Previously he was Associate Professor of Community Medicine at Mahamaya Rajkiya Allopathic Medical College, Ambedkarnagar and Government Medical College Banda, Uttar Pradesh between 2012-2017.

    He is the Chief Editor for National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences and Associate Editor for Archives of Public Health. He also holds positions on the editorial board of various journals. He is a member for World Association of Medical Editors and Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors. He has completed short courses and training in related subjects. His experience includes various contributions and participation in different countries for diverse fields of study. His research interests reflect in his wide range of publications in various national and international journals which could be a basis for future health plans. The main thrust has been to study public health problems of national relevance, such as hypertension, diabetes, and malnutrition in different population subgroups including adolescents. He has authored more than 50 Research Publications across journals in multiple disciplines. Publications have been contributed in the form of editorials, original articles, and short communications. He has also authored many conference presentations and presented as an invited speaker. He has many certificates of appreciations and winner of the EET 5th CRS Science and Technology Awards-17 – ‘Award for Excellence in Research’.


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