A Textbook on Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Sericulture

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    A Textbook on Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Sericulture FAQs

    Who is the author of "A Textbook on Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Sericulture"?

    The authors of "A Textbook on Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Sericulture" are "Dr. Muzafar Ahmad Bhat, Dr. Suraksha Chanotra, Dr. Zafar Iqbal Buhroo, Mr. Abdul Aziz, and Dr. Mohd. Azam.

    About Book

    The word ''Entrepreneur'' has been taken from French word which means risk-takers. Someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it. In sericulture, Entrepreneurs can be silkworm rearers i.e., chawki rearers, cocoon growers, seed producers, reelers, weavers etc. Entrepreneurship can be defined by describing what entrepreneurs do. For example, "Entrepreneurs use personal initiative and engage in calculated risk-taking, to create new business ventures by raising resources to apply innovative new ideas that solve problems, meet challenges, or satisfy the needs of a clearly defined market”. But as the following definition states, entrepreneurship is not restricted to business and profit but Entrepreneurship involves bringing about change to achieve some benefit. This benefit may be financial but it also involves the satisfaction of knowing that you have changed something for the better.

    Entrepreneurship is essentially the act of creation requiring the ability to recognize an opportunity, shape a goal, and take advantage of the situation. Entrepreneurship plans, persuades, raise resources, and give birth to new ventures. The term 'Entrepreneur' is often used interchangeably with 'Entrepreneurship', but conceptually they are different, yet they are just like two sides of a coin. 'Entrepreneur' refers to a person while 'Entrepreneurship' refers to the function. Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship are positive and valued oriented concepts. Entrepreneurship development is a systematic and organized effort of human development. It is a process of enhancing the motivation, knowledge, and skills of the potential entrepreneurs a r o u s i n g a n d r e fo r m i n g e n tr e p r e n e u r i a l b e h a v i o u r. In Entrepreneurship Development, persons are prepared to face business uncertainty and risks. Thus, it is said that Entrepreneurship are not born; they can be developed through trainings.

    About Author

    Dr. Muzafar Ahmad Bhat (M.Sc., Ph.D)
    Lecturer, P. G. Dept. of Sericulture,
    Poonch Campus, University of Jammu.

    Dr. Suraksha Chanotra (M. Sc., Ph. D)
    Lecturer, P. G. Dept. of Sericulture,
    Poonch Campus, University of Jammu.

    Dr. Zafar Iqbal Buhroo (M. Sc., Ph. D)
    Assistant Professor/Junior Scientist,
    College of Temperate Sericulture,
    Mirgund, SKUAST-K.

    Abdul Aziz (M. Sc., M. A., B. Ed.)
    Teaching Assistant, P. G. Dept. of Sericulture,
    Poonch Campus, University of Jammu.

    Dr. Mohd. Azam (M. Sc., Ph. D)
    Associate Professor, Dept. of Zoology,
    Govt. Degree College Poonch,
    University of Jammu.

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