About Us

IP innovative publications is a specialized in publication of medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy, allied sciences books and journals. We are publishing print and online e-books. With the updated, digital and smart technology, we have wonderful offers for our readers and authors to assemble their lives easier while they research and study. We have a flexible, easy-to-use system that ensures that our writers, users, readers, and other relevant members are always taken care of, and we offer open access to those people who cannot pay purchasing charges.

Since IP Innovative firmly believes that information should know no bounds, we are disseminating it throughout the scientific community worldwide.

We explore together through the infinite domains of knowledge and creativity. At IP Innovative, we think that every concept and every work of knowledge has the power to influence the future.

Our goal is to enable readers, authors, and explorer by giving them the resources and know-how required to safeguard and optimize research in the high-tech publication world.


IP innovative has a vision to reach and diffuse easy access to knowledge among the researchers and knowledge seekers of all medical sectors globally. We Create and promote reliable online resources such as Open access, blogs updated newsletter dedicated to scientific research topics which reaches a wide audience and provide easily accessible information on various health issues. Our target for healthcare professionals is to ensure that they stay updated with the latest medical knowledge and advancements, ultimately benefiting patient care, our commitment is to provide world-class quality and innovation of scientific knowledge across the community. We aim to provide a modified platform to our authors, researchers and editors to produce the most outstanding works in the fields in which we publish. IP Innovative thoroughly believes in Experimenting, taking risks, and investing in new ideas.

By utilizing these tactics, IP Innovative hopes to efficiently disseminate medical knowledge, which will enhance health outcomes and improve the knowledge of both individuals and communities.